Saturday, April 12, 2008

What to do....

So I know that we usually do recipes... But what do you guys do to keep the kids busy? My kids are wanting to make stuff, a lot of stuff. I'm looking for crafts and activities to do that involve less clutter or at least be outside. They are getting tired of bubbles and sidewalk chalk and I'm tired of trying to find places for paintings and pictures.


Amy said...

My girls will spend forever painting with water outside. I just fill up a big bowl of water and give them paint brushes and they paint the sidewalk, the house, the garage door, the trees, etc.

Outside forts work great too. I just rig together old blankets and sheets over the swing set or a tree or whatever and give them snacks. That always keeps them busy with playing house or secret club or space ship or something like that.

Lady Carolyn said...

awesome! Just what I was looking for! we are totally going to be water painting now. We do the fort thing inside but haven't outside yet. Thanks!

Brittney said...

I don't know, we just watch tv. It works pretty well.

Lady Carolyn said...

You guys are always doing creative things!

April said...

This isn't advice, but I feel for you. Once school and gymnastics are over it feels like my role as full-time mom has doubled! I love the outside fort idea. My girl is really into imaginative play so that would take up TONS of hours!
Ok, I just thought of something I think I'll try. If you have a section of a flower garden that isn't in use (maybe the backyard or sideyard) maybe you could put them in charge of it. Let them dig and look for worms. Give them a few seeds so they can weed and water. Who knows, maybe they'll develop a green thumb?